Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Driving Force

I've recently realized that I need to be posting my work and not worrying about whether or not it's good enough. I've got to stop getting in front of what it is I'm doing, and just allow it to be the driving force in what it is I'm trying to desperately to accomplish. Is my work good enough shouldn't be question or even the concern at this point? That will come in time. In time the work will improve and my confidence will also. The important thing now is that it is being put out there, seen by those I'm trying to reach, and talked about. Again…. Whether good or bad, or maybe even indifferent... getting your work out there is the key.

Let your photography be the driving force in taking you where it is you want to be…

So with that… Thanks for your time yesterday Matt; of Matthew Druin Photography.


P.S. If you are not familiar with my work… here's where you will find it.




Monday, January 11, 2010

The Decisions We Make

It’s not the events in our lives that shape our destiny, but the decisions we make about those events

I stumbled across these words a couple of years ago. I’m not really quite sure where I our paths crossed. But I can tell you this… from the very beginning I found very intriguing. I actually found myself writing them down immediately, and even went so far as to comment them to memory.

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been struggling emotionally with a very serious issue with my right eye and during periods discouraged I'm often reminded of these words.

I found myself whispering them under my breath, and they kept me moving in the right direction. Needless to say I’ve spent a lot of time in prayer and mediation seeking Gods GRACE! I need grace to understand, that which I’m finding I really have no control over…. my entire life… my plans as I see them.

I beginning to understand that my life, and future... as I see it, is not going to be determined by what happens to me, but rather how I choose to respone. Oh Lord, in your grace help me to response with this understanding in mind.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Life is Beautiful

I’ve been off for the past two weeks and it’s just been an amazing time of transformation. I’m able to reconnect to family and most importantly to self. It’s just simply wonderfully to stop and rediscover the essence of just how beautiful life is. Because it is. Beautiful. With that... self pity and complacency, takes a back seat to gratitude. With gratitude comes a renewed sense of peace and joy. When it comes down to it, isn't that what it's all about... peace and joy?

So… as I sit here on the first day of 2010 completely at peace with myself and the new year to come, I can only hope the same is true for you and your family. Happy New Year!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Dillon | Woodstock Georgia Baby Photographer

Dillon just experienced his second Christmas and I being related have had the honor of photographying him his entire life. Actually, our relationship will always be very special because he was the first baby I photographed professionally. He's been a joy to work with from the very first "click." Here are a couple of pictures that I've taken of him over the months, to include one on Christmas day... reminding me that Christmas day is most wonderful through the eyes of a child. Merry Christmas to all!

Dillon at 3 months. I love this shot. To me it speaks volumes regarding his wonder little personality. How can you get past those big beautiful eyes.

Another great shot! The light, and his gentle demeanor makes this another favorite!

Starting to get around.

Here with his mother.

Pictures of your children will become treasured items that will be cherished not only by yourself, but by all generations to come.

This was Dillon at a about 18 months. As you can see he is starting to move around quite well.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Greeting to All!

Meet Gracie. We get alone wonderfully, and agree almost everything.

If you would have ever ask me to consider blogging... my answer would have been an absolute... unequivocal no! Absolutely NOT! That's just not who I am, or what I’m about. There's something way to social about having a blog! I have no close friends to speak of... at least in the immediate area...and most of the time enjoy being completely by myself. My wife is convinced I have issues, and maybe I do. I guess you'll just have to decided for your self.

It's through my reading on marketing and photography that I have come to understand what a very powerful tool the blog can be. So with that... I have decided to pack my bags and take the journey for myself.

I personally view this as the first small… yet enormous step in taking me, where it is I’m headed.
The truth of the matter is... I may never arrive, yet I'm convinced that in God’s grace I will not return the same person. You see… life is not about arriving but about becoming. It’s not about the mode of transperation but the journey. It’s about passion…. not possessions!

As you'll soon see, first hand I'm very passionate about photography and believe this is a direction in my life that I’m to follow, and I believe that first and foremost passion, as well as faith should be shared.
Furthermore, I hope to not only a share my images but my "Life Behind The Lens."

So if you are in for a little adventure…. Sit back, and enjoy the ride!

God Bless…